I’ve seen enough to decide. Hillary and Obama went to war in Libya without congressional approval. The joke is a clear reference to the right-wing Clinton-haters who have been trying their best, for the last quarter century, to convince the world that Bill and Hillary have been secretly knocking off their political enemies, mob style, racking up a CLINTON BODY COUNT that is now said to number 48. She is the co-author of 'Dad Magazine,' the author of 'The Book Of Lost Recipes,' and the co-author of 'Basic Witches. In today’s anti-intellectual environment, anything that causes “uneasy feelings” is attempted to be suppressed. Saying a shitty thing is shitty, and bringing a dead loved one into a discussion is low, but is it twitter hordes low? Also also, aren’t you anti-Hillary trolls constantly shouting “You’re only defending/voting for Hillary because she’s a woman”? Or maybe that entire thing was meant ironically? https://twitter.com/lastlivingrose/status/761283232260362240. I’ve been lax on bans in this thread so far but that’s over now. Sad, but not surprised. I don’t know if we have an “official” stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. He’s a douchebag. You see, Patton made a joke about the president being bipolar or something, and he started receiving some pissed off tweets from people who (rightly imo) believe that stigmatizes the mentally ill. One such person linked Oswald’s heartfelt essay about his deceased wife to a tweet that read something like ‘I can’t believe you could say those things after writing this’. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. o.O. If so, oops, sorry, hugs, love you! 88k Followers, 707 Following, 4,330 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Jen Kirkman (@jenkirkman) The issue is the entire antivaxx stance is based on a known medical fraud perpetrated by Andrew Wakefield: ‘Vote Stein, the candidate for the sociopathic troll!’. The joke seemed to reference drone strikes, and riff on hardcore Hillary supporters who try to spin everything she does as positive. If you think that being a feminist means all women should be immune to criticism, then you’re not one. Twitter Tags jen kirkman, bernie sanders, russia, parody, twitter Additional References Twitter About. Sad. It lead to the rise of ISIS, sex slavery, genocide, religious persecution, hundreds of thousands dead, millions displaced …, Nope, definitely Hoving… Eh, I’m sure I’ll remember after I’ve had my morning coffee. Perhaps, she should quit being so hamfisted and say what she means. It’s for anyone who is, ever has been or ever might be one. Beginning in 2011, through a secret arrangement with the CIA, the State Department was given the power to green-light drone strikes. PS David gets all the feminism points for implying that a female presidential candidate should drop out because she’s making things difficult. We’re good, man. Local politics and midterm elections are so much more important for advancing progressivism. ... — JEN KIRKMAN (@JenKirkman) August 30, 2018. Jen Kirkman Talks Russian Twitter Bots | What A Joke | Netflix Is … NOTE 8/5: Just a reminder for new commenters: defending or excusing harassment is against the comment policy here. that was intense. They’re a bit like the people who thought Stalin was too lax in the forced collectivizations and wanted the USSR to get more serious about violently spreading revolution to other countries. So y’know, most of the people of the commenting here are basically factually wrong. Yeah she didn’t say a damn thing about vaccines causing autism. Whoever is running her account now seems to just be retweeting criticism. I want them imprisoned for the torture program, ignoring habeas corpus, Cheney outing a CIA agent, etc. I doubt Trump hates; he simply loves himself more than anyone else. Jaya Saxena is a lifestyle writer and editor whose work focuses primarily on women's issues and web culture. Comedian Jen Kirkman is not quitting Twitter, but not not quitting Twitter, either, after tweeting a questionable joke about Hillary Clinton. THAN YOU ARE MAKING IT! If Hillary wasn’t a Democrat, Democrats would be calling for her imprisonment. You know, the Russian dictator whose actual non-fictional not-a-joke STALIN BODY COUNT added up to something close to 20 million. Orac’s in-depth analysis of Jill Stein’s antivaccine dog whistles is here and it is worth a read. It’s why I included myself as one of people hit by the “take that”. This cultural trend means: Abandon your minds, sheeple, and do not independently asses the ideas put forth by others. It’s bad, and I don’t like that it’s normal for me, but it is. The analysis in this post is pretty poorly thought out. What are you hoping for, that someone is going to feel sorry for bernie supporters? Of course death threats and harassment are indefensible, but it’s dishonest to suggest that Kirkman was 100% right and her only critics are misogynistic bros. I’ll grant you that. Jen Kirkman is a lefty sort of comic. Liberty is all but dead. There is no scientific evidence that organic food is healthier than non-organic food and higher cost would be a food security issue. I would be surprised, except I read the Daily KOS article that I’m linking earlier today. U.S. foreign policy actually does kill people. Clinton’s State Department approved the CIA’s requests in all but one or two instances. That strikes me as something of an irony. Thus, I’m not surprised about the treatment of Ms. Kirkman in the least. Liberals don’t have a real sense of humor. Right-wing hatred is far more prevalent and more dangerous, but the amount of anger, targeted harassment and scapegoating, violent rhetoric and outright violence from the left in recent years is definitely unsettling. She also says she’s received death threats and other abuse. In fact, pointing to the Right continually seems often like a distraction from the hatred on the Left. Wow, are the people harassing Jen Kirkman taking time out of their busy hate-barrage schedule to try to convince people to vote for their candidate? Stinky, crazy, loud-mouthed losers, needed to get in line, sit down and shut up, immediately. Comedian Jen Kirkman talks about Boston, her new comedy album, and if Elizabeth Warren's Twitter crusade against Donald Trump has been effective. I don’t believe Stein is an anti-vaxxer, but she supports a number of positions that are unscientific Green Party baggage. Were his previous posts deleted, or did I see him elsewhere? (((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy. @Repentantphonebooth: The Left loves to point to things on the Right which show hatred and the like (sometimes legit, sometimes not) and yet tends to ignore the seething, ugly morass of it underneath it’s own feet. wait, he just called them all off. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield#Fraud_and_conflict_of_interest_allegations And yes, that last dude is using a photo of a young Josef Stalin as his avatar. Still, don’t threaten her. But Wodun, I LIKE that Hillary lead to the rise of ISIS, sex slavery, genocide, religious persecution, hundreds of thousands dead, millions displaced, a refugee invasion of Europe, hundreds of terrorist attacks, dead Americans in Benghazi, dead Americans in Europe, and misery and suffering in general. However, Oswald took a screenshot, which is now on his twitter wall. @scentedfuckinghardchairs- so it would seem. Unhinged, very possibly, but the rest of it is lazy. That's it. Curiously, the criticism is much harsher than anything we see hurled at people supporting Trump… you know… the fascist whose potential presidency makes not supporting Clinton such an act of lunacy. @kettle Jen Kirkman is a lefty sort of comic. “I like that she’s murdered people” = “I don’t think she actually murdered people”. There are many possible responses to that fact, but “haha I think it’s great” isn’t a particularly tasteful one. 2016 Democrats: Actually, murder is good and every war Clinton escalates and initiates will be awesome@JenKirkman pic.twitter.com/eje3RMlQXx, — Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) August 4, 2016, So, progressive Hillarybots – are you going to stand by @JenKirkman on this? How did that turn out? The next time your read or hear something talking about all the “hatred” and “vitriol” coming from the right, keep this little incident in mind. You never did flesh out “imply” and until you do you are useless to me. =P. Folks “progressively” making those twitter threats, with those words, and simultaneously not getting the (older than the Internet) joke liberals have been making* since Newt Gingrich was on his first wife? That is not at all. It’s normal. Jen Kirkman criticized Jezebel both on Twitter and to other outlets, implying that we had somehow spearheaded a campaign against her in order to … I found this out after reading the following op-ed: Little did we know, the media was actually pulling its punches. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Comedian Jen Kirkman is not quitting Twitter, but not not quitting Twitter, either, after tweeting a questionable joke about Hillary Clinton. Earlier today, Kirkman posted an image overlaid with text saying she’ll “have someone else run [her] account for a while,” and won’t be interacting with fans. Simple as that. wow. This would be a reasonable inference since Kirkman had been arguing with left-wing Hillary critics (and not with right-wing conspiracy theorists) prior to posting that tweet. Now she’s back with another, Jen Kirkman: Just Keep Livin’?, which is available now on the streaming service. I think Twitter is where I draw the line with technology. And thanks, Violet!! The media’s “Mean Girls” style contempt isn’t just for Bernie or Busters or Stein supporters. You’ve seen Jen on her regular appearances on Comedy Central’s @midnight. Julius Sharpe. I’ve criticized Sanders and Stein before and am therefore one of the “mean girls”. years ago and not going forward with it. Kirkman produces I Seem Fun: The Diary Of Jen Kirkman, her own weekly podcast, and has made several appearances on The Crabfeast podcast, which is … But I never see it. Most of the actual leftists who got angry at the tweet seemed too feel that it was a reference to Hillary’s foreign policies killing people in other countries and not to the right-wing conspiracy theories like Vince Foster. She’s a random asshole who said a random asshole thing. IT IS SO MUCH SIMPLER AND WAY MORE FUN (it's punk rock!!!) If it was the former, they’d be posting it on Twitter towards the harassers, not here towards us. (*I’m so old I remember who Hillary Clinton was before she murdered Vince Foster! Take that, weirwoodtreehugger, Scented Fucking Hard Chairs, Paradoxical Intention, Johanna Roberts, and others including me! Also, a big part of feminism is that women aren’t perfect – they shouldn’t be hated or discriminated against because of their gender, but they shouldn’t be shielded, either. ... Second of all, back in 2012/2013, Twitter used to be fun. @SFHC Are you maybe thinking of Ken Hovind? I don’t believe any of them were deficient enough not to understand there was some irony at play, they were just sore because they were being dismissed and so they lashed out like an army of screaming children. Oh yes, it’s sooooo progressive to call refugees invaders. Oh, yes, I meant that ironically. If Stein can’t figure that out, she’s too dumb to be in politics. 2021 ... a Larry King story, more comedians getting Covid, struggles with a duvet cover, earnest people are ruining Twitter, and how working from bed is good for you. Democrats want a week of political theater raging at Donald Trump instead of focusing on reopening schools or getting millions of Americans back to work. So who wouldn’t be skeptical? I blame Bush and Cheney. I can see where if someone were younger (or hadn’t been following the “controversies” for the last couple of decades) and had heard a lot of talk about Hillary being a hawk, they might interpret it that way and assume it was a comment about the recent military actions abroad. 6h. Not the first time Oswald’s done something like this. Once Hillary won the nomination and Vermont senator graciously and enthusiastically endorsed her, the gloves really came off. I sometimes make “Hillary personally ran Vince over with a train” comments to people I know and who also know that these conspiracies are stupid. A lot of “progressive” people online can be a little out of touch with reality and fall into what’s historically been considered “ultraleft” in communist circles. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. In other words, the joke is not actually a joke about murder. The strange case of “Scuffed Elliot Rodger”, “I WILL NEVER RAISE ANOTHER MAN’S CHILD,” declares MGTOW in epic(ally stupid) rant, Wot’s all this then? It is just one of many which show there is some serious, SERIOUS hatred and violence infused rhetoric on the Left. She also supports funding to organic farming. (Sorry, this embed was not found.) In a world of Netflix specials and podcasts and Twitter, why would a stand-up comedian still put out an old-fashioned comedy album? I’m not sure if it’s ramped up lately, or I was in denial about it, or what. Comedian Jen Kirkman talks Twitter and her new stand-up tour By Grace Perry Posted: Thursday October 5 2017, 6:08 PM. Jen Kirkman does not actually “LIKE that Hillary has murdered a lot of people,” in part because she (Kirkman) does not LIKE murder and in part because she does not believe that Hillary has, in fact, murdered a lot of people. I just wanted to say that maybe the interpretation of the joke depends on age/political awareness. Unfortunately, many of those who encountered Kirkman’s Tweet on Twitter — a large number of whom seem to be former Bernie Sanders supporters who’ve gone over the Green Party’s Jill Stein — have kind of missed the point just a little, misreading it as some sort of creepy celebration of drones murdering children in Afghanistan, or something. That’s bad, whether or not the former causes the latter, She’s addressing in a ham-handed way the involvement of corporations in the healthcare industry, She’s running for President. The people bombarding Kirkman with threats and abuse aren’t Trump fans. It's not about canceling comedians or ruining clubs lives. And instead of stopping for a second to ask themselves, “wait, is this comedian lady who does those hilarious yet disarmingly earnest segments on Drunk History really mocking or even advocating the murder of children, why would she do that, that can’t be right” many of these people decided to advocate the murder of her. You just spent a week Twitter-feuding with Seth Rogen. So yesterday comedian Jen Kirkman posted a little joke on Twitter, as comedians are wont to do. 2021 We Hunted The Mammoth. The issue has nothing to do with the FDA or ‘Big Pharma’. Aside from Ray and Hartzell, Mahoney was oftentimes associated with stand-up comedian Jen Kirkman (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Chelsea Lately) as the two were married from 2009 to 2011. Kirkman before a 2011 taping of Chelsea Lately feelings ” is beyond hypocritical reached. Won the nomination and Vermont senator graciously and enthusiastically endorsed her, the punchline repentantphonebooth: Well jen kirkman twitter... 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