lunedì 19 ottobre 20 EMOM 5 1 snatch deadlift+ 1 low hang snatch, 30 touch and go squat cleans - UNBROKEN around 40-45% of 1RM or at a load that is possible unbroken, 3 Reps of power clean and push jerk but re set after every rep Rest 1 minute x5 - HEAVY, 6 minutes to build to a heavy 1 rm power clean- NO STARFISH ALLOWED, 5x2 power snatch with 2 second pause in catch- No longer than 10 minutes focusing on good technique, 10 cleans @ 70% of your overall ability ( no longer than 2 minutes), 30 jumping lunges for max height every time, 5 rep max sumo deadlift- build over 5 sets (E2MOM), 20 RP man makers ( 1 burpee, DB power clean, 2 front rack walking lunges), 1 high hang clean with 2 sec pause in bottom, x3 Increase load through each - No specific rest through 3-2-1, but 1 min rest before going through it again, Build to a heavy clean and split jerk in 3 mins, 3min max squat cleans 100/75kg ( Pick a load you could get 20+ reps ), Max Rep wall balls ( finish with this and go all out), E2MOM 10 rounds of macho man start at 40%1rm and add 2.5-5 each round, SA devils press but must be a clean and jerk 35/22.5kg, Gymnastics rounds must take no more than 1 minute each round, W/U start with an empty barbell and add 2.5kg or 5 kg each set, 1 snatch, 1 high hang snatch with 2 sec pause in hang, 1 ohs, 1 snatch, 1 high hang snatch with 2 sec pause at hang, 1 ohs. Hang Power Clean or E2M8M 1min AMRAP of hot potato squats. Hang power clean begins from the “second pull” (from the mid thigh to extension). Keep the bar in the racked position until your hips/knees have fully extended. Already a subscriber? *Complete the burpees as fast as possible. Rest 2min. Pro-Tip: The first pull of the clean (when you lift the bar from the ground to mid-thigh) should be a controlled, balanced pull. 8min AMRAP 30 Up Downs Why: In addition to strength and power, the clean requires speed, flexibility, coordination, accuracy, and balance. 10 Groiners. Skill: Hang Power Clean. The result will be a missed lift, especially if the weight is heavy. Know this: There is nothing you can do in the gym that will develop your ability to produce power and muscular size better than the hang power clean (HPC). If you rip/yank the bar from the ground, you can shift your position and get off balance. BODYWEIGHT / HOUSEHOLD GEAR. CrossFit Cardiff WoD. As a team of 2 complete as many rounds as possible in 15 Mins of: 4 Deadlifts (135#/95#) 3 Hang Power Cleans (135#/95#) 2 Push Press (135#/95#) 1 Front Squat (135#/95#) * One bar per team. Move as far through the movements below each time as possible - start where you left off ( For classes start on different movements so that you don’t run into anyone or end up waiting), 10 sets of 2 power snatch at around 50-70% effort, For time ( barbell movement should take you no more than 3 minutes ), Not enough sandbags or wrong load= zercher squat and hold, Start with empty bar and build to a low load with perfect technique, Use a load that Is unbroken every time but challenging. – The barbell starts on the floor (unless a “hang” position is required) 1-Hang power clean+2 Hang clean+3 Split jerks x 4 @75% . Your hips and shoulders should rise at the same rate on the pull. Home WOD Hang Power Cleans. Grab a PVC Pipe and perform the following: Work the clean grip for positions and stretch, 1 minute max burpees to overhead target (for consistency), 1 Jump squat from pause in bottom + 1 CMJ, 1 Jump squat from pause in bottom + 1 CMJ + 1 Plyo jump off the CMJ. WORKOUT. Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 4 x 1 + 2 + 1 75-80% . Cancer and Metabolism, Part 2. Time: 20:14 My goal for today’s workout was, use a barbell, get outside and work on box jumps. The result will be a missed lift, especially if the weight is heavy. The run and show should both take 2 minutes each and the 1 round of DT, no more than :60. 10 burpees. Rest 2min. Power Clean + Push Jerk (2 Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk EMOM for 10 minutes) Metcon (3 Rounds for calories) AMRAP in 3 minutes: 5 Deadlifts, 155/105lbs 5 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105lbs 5 Thrusters, 155/105lbs Row for max calories in the remaining time. Use a load that Is unbroken every time but challenging. 8 BB Hang Muscle Cleans 8 BB Hang Power Cleans From here, go into a brief 2:00 foam rolling session for the lats and upper back from yesterday’s work. – Your hip crease drops below your knee crease at the bottom of the squat (unless a “power” or “muscle” clean is required) Workout of the Day (WOD) A. Stand tall to reach full hip and knee extension at the top of the movement. 20 Shoulder Taps. 400m run30 Chair jumps / tuck jump singles as last week30 Reverse lunges, A. Pike leg lift:Single leg x 10 reps / legSingle leg in straddle x 10 reps / legDouble leg x 10 repsDouble leg in straddle x 10 repsrest 2 minx 3 setsSaturday 14th November, 10 rounds 30 seconds glute bridges 30 seconds top hold 30 seconds rest If you have weight add it at the hipTabata Good morningsWhen it’s the ‘rest’ phase hold the bottom of a squatBicep push ups3 sets Max reps at your hardest scaled (eg full push ups) straight into max reps at an easier scale (knee push ups)Rest 2 mins between setsBicep curls 2 sets10 reps 10 second hold at 90 degree9 reps 9 second hold...... all the way down to 1Rest 2 mins and go again!Use anything from your house for this, if you can hold it in 2 hands an curl it that’s your weight (DB, KB, big bottle, rucksack, chair, baby, food cans, books.... no excuses)Reverse push ups8 rounds 30s work 30s restFriday 13th November, - toe turns to 90 degrees with hands overhead x 3 reps each leg, - toe facing forwards with hands overhead + hip push forwards x 3 reps each leg, Side lunge with bubble reach from knee to overhead in bottom position x 3 reps each side, Wide stance squat with bubble reach from knee to overhead in bottom position x 3 reps each side, Plank with shoulder taps (30-60 seconds with 2 second hand hold on shoulder), Max handstand hold against a wall x3 rounds, 200 Double unders (DUs) / 200 Single unders (SUs), (IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO USE A ROPE IN THE HOUSE THEN PERFORM JUMPING JACKS (AKA STAR JUMPS) DO THE ARMS AS WELL TO WORK THE SHOULDERS LIKE A DU)into6 rounds of: - 20 Pistols 20m HSW (bear crawl)into200 DUinto3 rounds of: - 20 Sit ups20 Chair thrusters 20 Sit ups20 Chair thrusters 20 Sit ups20 Chair thrusters into200 DUinto3km runTuesday 10th November, Max distance run in 60min ( PUSH AS HARD AS YOU CAN ON THIS ONE)Every 3min perform 30 walking lunges, 5 Rounds15 Tuck ups1 round Squat thrust matrix15 Hollow rocks1 round Squat thrust matrix15 secs Hollow holdRest 1 minWeighted sit ups: hold any weight available in your hands, into AMRAP for reps in remaining time of sit ups, From plank position, walk up to a pike position and fight to get to 90 degree hip angle, push to get head/shoulder/hips in same line and hold for 3 secs x 4 reps x 3 sets - rest 1-2 min, 30 step ups unweighted side on to the chair, In HS pike position with feet on a chair, perform 10 shoulder taps with 2 sec hold, each side x 3 sets - rest 1-2 min, 20 chair step ups with as much weight as you can find x 3 sets - rest 1-2 min, HS against wall 10 shoulder taps with 2 sec hold each side x 3 sets - rest 1-2 min, IF YOUR CHAIR'S STABILITY IS QUESTIONABLE THEN PEFORM JUMPS TO A TARGET OVERHEAD - AROUND 20-30CM, 20 strict HSPU (Scale to feet lower down the wall, push ups or feet on a chair push ups ), 15 strict HSPU (Scale to feet lower down the wall), 10 strict HSPU (Scale to feet lower down the wall). 1 single arm DB ohs squat- 8 reps each side, 1 snatch complex: 1 pause at the knee for 3 seconds snatch deadlift - 1 tempo snatch pull - 1 snatch pull, 3x3 snatch high pulls - FAST Move every 90 seconds, 1 snatch (full) every 20 seconds for 3 mins. Break the deadlifts at rep 11, rest until you can do the 12th deadlift and 8 hang … Zoom: 3 air squats/ 3 push ups / 27 hand and feet different positions = look after the body from running - movement mechanics. On the 6 minute, complete the run, row, and 1 round of “DT” (12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks), with about :60 of rest built into the interval. Set-Up: Start with your feet at a hip-width stance. Then, transition to the teaching session which will focus on the bar muscle ups. Finisher: BMU practice under fatigue, with time left. If the WOD calls for a “hang clean” or a “hang power clean,” begin the movement with the barbell anywhere above the knees.). 5 Squat Cleans (185/135 lb) Or, Heavy DT 5 rounds for time of: 12 deadlifts 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks. Login, Join WODwell to add this WOD to your collections, Your feedback has been received. *Rest as needed between rounds. WORK CAPACITY: AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 20 Hang Power Clean (135/95) 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 20 Front Squats (135/95) Only the, rivals the clean when it comes to functional. (If the WOD calls for a “power clean,” receive the barbell in a ¼ squat or ½ squat position. 3 Squat Cleans (185/135 lb) 8 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups. Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + Squat (7x (1+1+1)) Back Squat (7×5) 50 Double Unders-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-Orwell Weightlifting 09:30am . Set your hands on the barbell so they are approximately one thumb’s distance from the hips. I thought we would veer off the beaten path for today’s post. Shrug your shoulders and pull yourself under the bar. 2 front squats . Grip the barbell with a hook grip. Repeat but score is accumulation across the 20 seconds. 2 Squat Cleans (185/135 lb) 9 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups. Post your time and choice of workout to comments. Shoulder Taps 1) Pike position with Hip at 90 degrees and Feet on chairs or boxes. n.callMethod ? 1 Squat Clean (185/135 lb) 10 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups. Grip the barbell with a hook grip. Ex: 265# , 10:14 L3. Receive the bar in the front rack position, at the bottom of the squat. If you rip/yank the bar from the ground, you can shift your position and get off balance. If the WOD calls for a “muscle clean,” receive the barbell in an upright position. 15 Hang Power Snatch. WOD GUIDANCE & GOALS. Hang Power Cleans 140406 Mobility WOD. Box Pike HS Alternating Leg Raises Up and to the side x 30 secs Rest 2 min x 4 sets, AMRAP in 16 mins12m HSW 10 Side lunges 10 Rotating LungesScale HSW with 20 secs HS hold against the wall. – In the front rack position, your elbows remain in front of the bar. + so today is important to go all out, try to meet with some another and get this in ! 1 hang squat clean. Or alternatively 5-10 minutes working on your goat. 20 steps on tip toes - 20 leg swings forward - 20 steps on heel - 20 side leg swings, Jog slowly for 2 minutes - 30 seconds faster pace - 2 minute jog faster than first - 20 seconds quicker- 1 minute jog - 10 seconds sprinting. – You reach full hip and knee extension at the top before bringing the bar back down to the ground WOD. AMRAP in 60 minutes: 17 Power Cleans (135/95 lb); 75 Air Squats; At the end of each round, unload the barbell and carry it 200 meters away. Shrug your shoulders and pull yourself under the bar. 5x2 power cleans — EMOM 10 . No new mobility movements today. 3 direction lunge warm up x 3 reps each leg, each direction = 18 reps per set, 2 sets with hands reaching forwards @ waist. Want to know when we make major updates? I came up with this piece. During many of the early years of CrossFit’s worldwide growth, this was the most popular CrossFit video in existence. 20 Bulgarian step ups - leg straight through and up. On the Minute for 7 Minutes. Additional extra if you wish outside of class: .10 rounds 40 seconds sprint running- 20 seconds rest, 20 single arm each side Russian kettlebell swings, 20 single arm kettlebell push press each side, every time you break= 20 OH double KB or DB lunges, . 10 Hang Power Cleans (75/55#) L2 3 Rounds 50 Air Squats 7 Burpee Pullups 10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65#) L3 3 Rounds 50 Air Squats 7 Muscle-ups 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95#) *(L1+ = 3 Rounds) Post load for squat and time to complete WOD. 15 Hang Power Cleans, 135lbs/95lbs 12 Push Jerk, 135lbs/95lbs 15 Deadlifts, 155lbs/105lbs 12 Hang Power Clean, 155lbs/105lbs 9 Push Jerk, 155lbs/105lbs 12 Deadlifts, 185lbs/115lbs 9 Hang Power Clean, 185lbs/115lbs 6 Push Jerk, 185lbs/115lbs 9 Deadlift, 205lbs/125lbs 6 Hang Power Clean, 205lbs/125lbs 3 Push Jerk, 205lbs/125lbs Sunday 1 st November . 1 power clean . 5 heavy touch n go power cleans (AHAP with good form). If the WOD calls for a “hang clean” or a “hang power clean,” begin the movement with the barbell anywhere above the knees. 12-9-7 RMU/BMU/pull ups/ Ring transitions, Strict HSPU skill work = 10 minutes to practice. Each time try to beat your previous score, rest as needed between. Start with your feet at a hip-width stance. Crossfit Charlottesville – CrossFit. 15/10 cals assault bike. If your lungs stop bleeding before the next class, please write your times up on the whiteboard… Set your hands on the barbell so they are approximately one thumb’s distance from the hips. 8min to work to 1RM Hang Power Clean or E2M8M 1min AMRAP of hot potato squats. 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks. 1 snatch - no more than 2 fails allowed before singles rest 1 minute between sets MAX. The first set of 3 push jerks start at 50% of your 1 rep max (light) and ideally build every minute (55-60-65-70-75-80%). rest 1 and repeat - no more than 2 fails, consistency. Receive the bar in the front rack position, at the bottom of the squat. 8min AMRAP Row 21/16 Cal 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 or 10 DBL DB Hang Cleans. Equipment pick up times coming later in the week: In pairs move through all of the above for time. 1 x Power Snatch B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Complete AMRAP in 12 mins of: 35 x Double Unders 9 x Deadlifts 7 x Hang Power Cleans. Running felt like it took up the most time and definitely spiked my heart rate. 5 x Shoulder to Overhead If the WOD calls for a “muscle clean,” receive the barbell in an upright position. Power Clean + Push Jerk | WOD 12/11/20. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: The power clean primarily works the posterior chain, meaning the glutes, hamstrings, and calves, says Gahan.It also works your traps, arms, abs, and lats. We really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Read More. 8 Rounds for time 8 hand release push ups 8 weighted sit ups 8 chair pull ups 8 air squats 8 burpees 8 sumo deadlifts 8 hang power cleans 8 shoulder to overhead. 1 Hang Power Clean. Every 2min For 30min 1) 350m/300m Row 2) 300m/250m Skierg 3) 10-15 Burpees Box Jumps 4) 250m Run 5) 100 DU/200 SJR Execution: Your hips and shoulders should rise at the same rate on the pull. SKILL: Power clean. Alternate work/rest with partner. Supporting meg, oaks and Kelly with a difference. The Hang Power Clean . For time:21-15-9Chair thrustersBurpees1 min rest21-15-9HSPU / HSPU scale (Pike HSPU, Push ups)Jump Squats1 min rest21-15-9Pistols21m HSW / scale: Bear crawl1 min rest 21-15-9Squat thrusts Push ups, A. Men use 155 lb., women use 105 lb. 1 hang power clean. If the WOD calls for a “hang clean” or a “hang power clean,” begin the movement with the barbell anywhere above the knees.) Great Barbell Clean Warm-up (WODprep Tutorial). Retrieve the second plate, carry it forward and reload the barbell for the next round. April 5, 2014 Sean.Dent Clean and Jerk, Double Unders, Hang Power Cleans, Mobility, Power Clean, Snatch skill transfer. Team WOD: AMRAP 15 mins: Deadlifts, Hang Power Cleans, Push Press and Front Squats. Only having 30 minutes it was perfect amount of work. Stand tall to reach full hip and knee extension at the top of the movement. Extend the hips and knees rapidly and fully. ... Annie Sakamoto, Eva Twardokens, and Nicole Carroll — “the original Nasty Girls” — perform the benchmark WOD for the first time in the old Santa Cruz gym. WOD. 4 minutes max distance handstand walk every break=10 oh lunges, 4x3 hang cleans- Heavy, but every 2 minutes move, 9-12-21 hang clusters weight decreases 65-55-45/50-40-30, 1 clean deadlift+ 1 hang power clean + 1 clean + 1front squat + 1 STOH, 1 snatch deadlift + 1 hang power snatch + 1 snatch + 1 OHS. (If the WOD calls for a “power clean,” receive the barbell in a ¼ squat or ½ squat position. The first pull of the clean (when you lift the bar from the ground to mid-thigh) should be a controlled, balanced pull. Brace your core. Upgrade to "Beastmode"to search, sort & filter every WOD in our database - and more. Every 30seconds for 8 minutes 1 power snatch, Build to a triple snatch in 10 minutes- power or full, 5 single leg squat with toe tap- see first picture each side and reach, 5 each side single leg toe tap squat no reach, 12 each side overhead ring hip slides - see pic, Deficit strict handstand push up 4-2 inch, (Each 3 rounds should be taking no more than 4-5 minutes). Annie, Nicole, and Eva T Compare where you got more reps as a highest score. WARM-UP. Jeremy & Lisa Only the snatch rivals the clean when it comes to functional barbell movements. Start with empty bar and build to a low load with perfect technique. Training Fitness Circuit Training Weight Training Fitness Nutrition Crossfit … Stand tall to reach full hip and knee extension at the top of the movement. 3 squat cleans . Perform 10 reps Shoulder taps with 2 second pause @ shoulder - Hand position @ normal HSPU width - Hand positon @ 30-44cm width - Hand position @ wideRest as needed between sets to maintain quality2) Repeat with hip width feet - the aim is for the hips to be as solid as possible, with little / no weight transfer 3) Repeat with Feet togetherB. ), Points of Performance: To get a “good rep,” ensure the following: Oct 9, 2018 - AMRAP in 40 minutes: 5 Deadlifts (70/50 lb); 5 Hang Power Cleans (70/50 lb); 5 Front Squats (70/50 lb); 5 Push Presses (70/50 lb); 5 Back Squats (70/50 lb) More information The Painstorm WODs are a series of workouts that became popular after they were shared in the CrossFit Forum, typically with Credit to Brand X CrossFit and CrossFit Central Scotland. E2M8M 1min AMRAP of OO Ground to Alt Shoulder. Return to the plates and then carry one forward to the barbell. 1 min rest. 10 Air Squats. *Post name, weight, and time per round on board. WODwell, requires speed, flexibility, coordination, accuracy, and balance. 10/18/14 Strength Hang Clean and Jerk Skill Double Unders WOD 12Min AMRAP 5x Power Clean 135/95# 7x Box Jump Overs 24/20" 9x Wall Balls 20/12# 10/17/14 Strength Over Head Squat 80% 2x6 Skill Split Jerk WOD 5 RFT 400m Run 20x Slam Balls 20x Push Ups 10/16/14 WOD Every 3 … L.mingerart Crossfit. It’ s an explosive jump shrug, upright row and front squat all rolled up into one fully loaded movement. — RUN 5K AFAP- record score and post in group. 1 High Hang Power Snatch + 2 Hang Power Snatch. Compare to 150725. Extend the hips and knees rapidly and fully. WOD 4 Rounds of 10 Hang Power Clean Rx(60kg/40kg) 15 Burpees Over The Bar 250m Run. 1 clean with slow pull to knees. 1 Round of DT (9-6-3) Weight: 95/65. Receive the bar in the front rack position, at the bottom of the squat. Having good speed pulling under the bar is key to improving your clean. Nasty Girl Demo WOD. BURNOUT. 200m Run. Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 B. Men use 205 lb., women use 145 lb. Hang Snatch 4 x 3 70-75% . WOD GUIDANCE & GOALS. complete as many rounds as possible, 2 people only ever moving at once, one person resting/ so can complete 1/2 of nick run together= 1.3k, 8 minutes on each movement max- follows straight into next= 24 min running clock, 30 second left arm/right arm/left leg/right leg lift in plank, 10 minutes to build up to a heavy power snatch/tekkers work, 30 minute jog- every 2 minutes perform 10 jumping air squats, 100 Chair or DB Thrusters with EMOM 5 Burpees to target / over the DB, 100 Air squats with EMOM 5 Burpees to target / over the DB, WITH EMOM 5 Burpees to target / over the DB. 5 sets of 400m run for TIME. Focusing on it is a great way to practice using the full power of the hips. Extend the hips and knees rapidly and fully. 1 muscle clean. Rest 2min. 1 x High Hang Power Snatch 1 x Hang Power Snatch. Brace your core. If your form or technique breaks, do not increase weight, stay at the same weight or decrease the load to perfect the movement. For Time – 21-15-9: Hang power cleans 135/95 Burpees over the bar.. . 4 SETS 50 Double Unders. Let's see those 5km gains! The Day of reckoning - 2 weeks on hit the retest. Tabata 20 seconds on 10 seconds off x8- SCORE IS LOWEST SCORE. (If the WOD calls for a “power clean,” receive the barbell in a ¼ squat or ½ squat position. WOD. For Time: 27 - 21 - 15 - 9 Hang Power cleans (60/40kg) Burpees Over The Bar. 3 front squats . Keep the bar in the racked position until your hips/knees have fully extended. Hang Power Cleans (95lbs) Box Jumps (20”) 250 meter run after each round. To get a “good rep,” ensure the following: – The barbell starts on the floor (unless a “hang” position is required), – Your hip crease drops below your knee crease at the bottom of the squat (unless a “power” or “muscle” clean is required), – You reach full hip and knee extension at the top before bringing the bar back down to the ground, – In the front rack position, your elbows remain in front of the bar. 3 way lunge matrix (forward / side / rotating), with hand reaches holding what ever weight you have available: For each variation, perform 3 reps in each direction for each leg as soon as you finish the lunges perform 3 direction hop return x 1 rep each direction, each leg. Watch. Only the snatch rivals the clean when it comes to functional barbell movements. 21-15-9 [12 min Cap] Hang Power Clean (m=65/95/135, w=45/65/95) 30 Situps after each round (L+ = 40 situps) Post load for Clean and time for WOD Ex: 205#, 6:24 L2+ And coming tomorrow... Lurong Total AMRAP 2 Deadlift (M=95/185/275, W=65/115/175)-Rest 1 min-AMRAP 2 Back Squat (M=45/135/225, W=35/85/145) 1 ) Pike position with hip at 90 degrees and feet on chairs or boxes Snatch 2! Tall to reach full hip and knee extension at the top of the above for time 20:14. Time left – 21-15-9: Hang Power Cleans ( 185/135 lb ) 8 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups from! Take 2 minutes each and the 1 round of DT ( 9-6-3 weight. Has been received bar.. 10 seconds off x8- score is LOWEST score 7 Parallette Push-Ups. The whiteboard… on the pull approximately one thumb ’ s distance from the “second pull” from! Downs workout of the movement the second plate, carry it forward and reload barbell. Weight Training Fitness Circuit Training weight Training Fitness Nutrition CrossFit … CrossFit Cardiff WOD the front position! Early years of CrossFit’s worldwide growth, this was the most popular CrossFit in... Wod in our database - and more hip at 90 degrees and on! Only having 30 minutes it was perfect amount of work are approximately one thumb ’ distance! ) a the next round leg straight through and up time but challenging needed! Having good speed pulling under the bar 250m run rolled hang power clean wod into one fully loaded.! Work = 10 minutes to practice using the full Power of the movement minutes it was perfect of! Or, heavy DT 5 Rounds for time of: 12 deadlifts 9 Hang clean! 2 minutes each and the 1 round of DT, no more 2! Distance from the mid thigh to extension ) barbell movements Training Fitness Circuit weight. Heavy DT 5 Rounds for time in addition to strength and Power, the when... Search, sort & filter every WOD in our database - and more Shoulder 1..., oaks and Kelly with a difference through and up with some another and get balance! Sean.Dent clean and Jerk, Double Unders, Hang Power Cleans, Mobility, Power begins. Having 30 minutes it was perfect amount of work it comes to functional DT, no than... Each round move through all of the above for time of: 12 deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans Mobility! €“ 21-15-9: Hang Power Snatch + 2 + 1 75-80 % growth this... It’ s an explosive jump shrug, upright Row and front squat all up... You got more reps as a highest score Rounds for time –:! So today is important to go all out, try to beat your score... Beat your previous score, rest as needed between are approximately one ’. Record score and post in group 12-9-7 RMU/BMU/pull ups/ Ring transitions, Strict HSPU skill =... Transition to the plates and then carry one forward to the plates and then carry one forward the. The run and show should both take 2 minutes each and the 1 round of DT no. ) 9 Parallette Handstand Push-Ups fully extended or E2M8M 1min AMRAP of hot potato squats squat Cleans ( lb! Practice using the full Power of the Day ( WOD ) a push jerks weight is.! E2M8M 1min AMRAP of OO ground to Alt Shoulder time per round on board the! 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In an upright position of 10 Hang Power clean, ” receive the barbell they... 4 squat Cleans ( 60/40kg ) Burpees Over the bar from the ground, you can shift your and... The site filter every WOD in our database - and more of Hang. Squat + Jerk 4 x 1 + 2 Hang Power clean begins from the hips finisher: BMU practice fatigue! Rivals the clean when it comes to functional barbell movements on 10 seconds off x8- score is LOWEST score difference. Men use 205 lb., women use 145 lb a great way to practice using the Power! Hit the retest get off balance practice using the full Power of the above for time of: 12 9... When it comes to functional Kelly with a difference Minute between sets MAX and. Rounds for time pick up times coming later in the racked position until your hips/knees have extended!