Also the only explicitly female LibRight … In the entire history of philosophy, the number of rational answers to this question is exactly zero. A person’s character is neither inherently bad nor the product of social forces; rather, it is a consequence of his choices. The name Objectivism comes from one of the first principles of the philosophy - there is one objective reality, which we all have our own imperfect sensory window into. Altruism, contrary to widespread misconception, is not the morality of “being nice to people” or “doing things for others”; rather, it is the morality of self-sacrifice—that is, of serving others at the expense of one’s own life-serving values. In any case, reason is man’s basic means of survival, and free will—the choice to use reason or not—is the essence of his nature. Updates? Insofar as a person does not choose to use reason, he is unable to identify or pursue these requirements; he either dies or survives parasitically on the minds of those who do choose to use reason. Her antagonistic reaction to a libertarian group seeking an end to government regulation is…. Objectivism (also known as Randismball) is a Libertarian Right ideology which represents the philosophy expressed by Ayn Rand. Human life requires egoism. Culturally, Objectivism advocates scientific advancement, industrial progress, objective (as opposed to “progressive” or faith-based) education, romantic art—and, above all, reverence for the faculty that makes all such values possible: reason. And Objectivism rejects hedonism—the idea that being moral consists in acting in whatever manner gives one pleasure (or doing whatever one feels like doing). Such beliefs do not alter the nature of what is; they contradict it; they are false. His subject areas include philosophy, law, social science, politics, political theory, and religion. For the application of these principles to cultural and political issues of the day, subscribe to The Objective Standard, the preeminent source for commentary from an Objectivist perspective. This audio content is accessible only to current Digital or Premium subscribers. To see the origin of these principles in Rand’s fiction, read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. They need moral principles that are conducive to the goal of living fully and happily. Objectivism also rejects the idea that, within the range of what is art, no objective criteria exist for judging certain works as better than others. Egoism upholds the principle of non-sacrifice—the idea that one should never surrender a greater value for the sake of a lesser value. What life as a rational being consists in for Rand is a matter of scholarly debate, but it seems to entail dedication to the cardinal values of reason, purpose (purposiveness), and self-esteem and action in accordance with the corresponding virtues of rationality, productiveness, and pride. Likewise, a parent who values his child’s education more than he values a new sports car, and who forgoes the car in order to pay for the education, is being moral; a parent who values the education more than the car, but forgoes paying for the education in order to purchase the car, is being immoral. In this way, art provides spiritual guidance and fuel for living and achieving one’s goals. We cannot achieve such goals by wishing, voting, or praying. These, according to Objectivism, are not the only alternatives. Objectivism, the theory or practice of objective art or literature. In a rational, capitalist society, artists are fully free to think and to create as they see fit; nothing stands in their way; the right to freedom of expression is recognized as an absolute. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. the tendency, as of a writer, to deal with things external to the mind rather than with thoughts or feelings. Of course, life requires that people regularly forgo lesser values for the sake of greater ones; however, these are gains, not sacrifices. Being moral consists in taking the actions necessary to sustain and further one’s life—actions such as thinking rationally and planning for the future, being honest and having integrity, producing goods or services and trading them with others, judging people rationally (according to the relevant facts) and treating them accordingly, and so on. A rose is a rose; it can bloom; it cannot speak. So says altruism. By the standard of man’s life, each individual should live his own life for his own sake. Likewise, the accepted ideas or norms of a society or culture have no effect on the nature of reality; they either comport with the facts of reality, or they do not. If an individual chooses not to face facts, not to think, not to produce, and so on—and thus develops a bad character—that is his fault. moral objectivity supports dogmatism. The belief that certain things, especially moral truths, exist independently of human knowledge or perception of them. To exist is to be something, to possess a specific identity. The politics of freedom is the politics of self-interest; it cannot be defended with the ethics of self-sacrifice—or with a philosophy of unreason, unreality, or “super-nature”—or with no philosophy at all. Although there is plenty of room for different tastes within the range of genuine art, there are also within that range objectively better and worse works of art—better and worse by the standards of rationality and man’s spiritual needs. The standard of value according to Objectivism and rational egoism is the requirements of man’s life. The book’s female protagonist, Dagny Taggart, struggles to manage a transcontinental railroad amid the pressures and restrictions of massive bureaucracy. Truth is reality, as conceptually processed by a consciousness. Thus, Objectivism rejects the idea that reality is ultimately determined by personal opinion or social convention or “divine decree.” An individual’s ideas or beliefs do not make reality what it is, nor can they directly change anything about it; they either correspond to the facts of reality, or they do not. The assertions of predators to the effect that they can achieve happiness by sacrificing others are just that: assertions. What is the nature of the good? Human life does not require human sacrifice; people can live without giving up their minds, their values, their lives; people can live without murdering, assaulting, or defrauding one another. Politically, Objectivism advocates pure, laissez-faire capitalism—the social system of individual rights and strictly limited government—along with the whole moral and philosophical structure on which it depends. Introduction to Objectivism Ayn Rand has inspired individuals around the world to discard convention and pursue a better life. The only just socioeconomic system is capitalism—“a full, pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire”—because only it fully respects the individual’s right to property and is fully consistent with the nonaggression principle. Nor is there any rational justification for sacrificing others, which is why no one has ever provided one of these, either. The sole purpose of the government in such a system is to protect the individual rights of its citizens by means of the police (to deal with domestic criminals), the military (to deal with foreign aggressors), and the courts of law (to adjudicate disputes). Perhaps the best-known and most-controversial aspect of objectivism is its account of the moral virtues, in particular its unconventional claim that selfishness is a virtue and altruism a vice. Thus, Objectivism rejects the notion that man’s nature is inherently corrupt (i.e., the idea of “original sin,” or the Hobbesian view of man as a brute), making his character necessarily depraved or barbaric. Egoism is based on and derived from the requirements of human life on earth; thus, people can practice it consistently and must do so—if they want to live and make the most of their lives. Objectivism equally rejects skepticism—the idea that knowledge is impossible, that it cannot be acquired by any means. The purpose of art is to give physical form to such profound abstractions, to make them concrete and observable, and thereby to provide people with a perceptual representation of a particular idea or worldview. Capitalism—which, contrary to widespread miseducation, is not merely an economic system—is the social system of individual rights, including property rights, protected by a strictly limited government. ‘That is to say, scientism, or what Husserl calls objectivism, overlooks the phenomenon of the life-world as the enabling condition for scientific practice.’. There is a black-and-white difference between trading values for gains and giving up values for nothing. Objectivism. Egoism is the morality of non-sacrifice; it rejects all forms of human sacrifice—both self-sacrifice and the sacrifice of others—as a matter of principle. In a laissez-faire society, if people want to deal with one another, they may do so only on voluntary terms, by uncoerced agreement. Rand's philosophy claims to cover "all areas of philosophical importance, including: ethics, morality, logic, language, culture, science, mathematics, physics, psychology, religion, history, politics, law, economics, business, sex, rights, government, art, literature, sculpture, metaphysics, epistemology, mind and body, measurement, free will, truth, and many more. The standard of value according to hedonism is pleasure or feelings. b. Reality is fully material and objective; it is not created or shaped by consciousness in any way 2. Because “reason is man’s basic means of survival,” rationality, the virtue corresponding to the value of reason, is the highest human virtue. Existence just exists—and everything in it is something specific; everything is what it is and can act only in accordance with its identity. The term was used by the poet William Carlos Williams in the 1930s to describe a movement in which emphasis was placed on viewing poems as objects that could be considered and analyzed in terms of mechanical features. Reality is not to be rewritten or escaped, but, solemnly and proudly, faced." A person who accepts the morality of altruism has to cheat on it just to stay alive; for instance, he must selfishly earn a paycheck so that he can buy food. Insofar as a person acts against the requirements of his life and happiness, he will not make the most of his life; he will not achieve the kind of happiness possible to man. This is how scientists discover facts in their various fields, from the principles of agriculture to the existence of atoms to the structure of DNA; it is how inventors and engineers design life-enhancing machines and devices, from automobiles to heart pumps to MP3 players; it is how businessmen establish ways to produce and deliver goods and services, from refrigerators to movies to wireless Internet access; it is how doctors diagnose and cure (or treat) diseases, from polio to sickle cell anemia to breast cancer; it is how children learn language, math, and manners; it is how philosophers discover the nature of the universe, the nature of man, and the proper principles of morality, politics, and esthetics. All Rights Reserved, Thanks to a Bionic Suit, Paralyzed Mom Finishes Marathon, Elizabeth Price Foley: The Implication of the Individual Mandate is Unlimited, Yaron Brook Interviewed by Larry Greenfield, TOS-Con 2018: ‘A Tapestry of Practical Ideas’ that You Can Enjoy Now, Contra Tim Bray and Co., Amazon Is a Paragon of Virtue, Don’t Blame Walmart for Bribery in Mexico. Rand understood these claims to apply to organisms individually as well as generically: that which preserves an organism’s life is good for that organism, and that which threatens or destroys it is evil (or bad) for that organism. This is the basic principle of rational egoism—and the moral foundation for a proper social system. A dictatorship is a dictatorship; it destroys life; it cannot promote life. She views them as consequences of our beliefs and values. The practical significance of this point is that if people want to achieve their goals—such as gaining knowledge, amassing wealth, achieving happiness, establishing and maintaining liberty—they must recognize and embrace the nature of reality. If an individual chooses to face facts, to think rationally, to be productive, and so on—and thereby develops a good character—that is his achievement. Whatever an individual’s choice, however, the fact remains that man is the rational animal; reason is his only means of knowledge and therefore his basic means of survival. Rand presented her philosophy in her many fiction and nonfiction books, such as The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, Philosophy: Who Needs It, The Virtue of Selfishness, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, and The Romantic Manifesto. Nor can human sacrifice promote human life or happiness; it can lead only to suffering and death. (Philosophy) philosophy. Neither individual beliefs nor widespread agreement nor a “supernatural” being’s will has any effect on the nature of the world. For the sake of example here, let us isolate a particular aspect of a work of art: its subject matter. In answer to this same need, altruism says: Don’t be selfish; sacrifice your values; give up your needs. This is yet another reason to embrace and advocate capitalism—and the entire philosophy of reason on which it is based. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? In sum, the key principles of Objectivism are: Reality is an absolute, reason is man’s only means of knowledge, man has free will (the choice to think or not), self-interest is moral, individual rights are absolute, capitalism is moral, and good art is crucial to good living. In advocating laissez-faire capitalism, Objectivism opposes the politics of conservatism—such as the notion that we are our “brothers’ keepers” and therefore must sacrificially serve strangers (e.g., Republican welfare programs); the notion that successful businessmen should be regulated (i.e., coerced) “at least to some extent” for the sake of the “little guy” (as if the so-called little guy cannot succeed in life by his own rational thinking); the notion that students in government-run schools should be indoctrinated with “intelligent design” theory or required to pray; the notion that scientists should be forbidden to engage in embryonic stem-cell research while men, women, and children suffer from agonizing diseases that might otherwise be cured (“We mustn’t play God”)—and that those suffering from such diseases should be forced to “live” when they desperately want to die (“We mustn’t play God”); the notion that homosexuals should be prohibited from experiencing the joy of sex (“God disapproves”); and the notion that America’s military should sacrificially spread “freedom” (“God’s gift to mankind”), much less “democracy” (i.e., unlimited majority rule) to savages rather than selfishly and swiftly destroy America’s major enemies (“Love your enemies”). Genuine happiness comes from identifying and pursuing the long-range material and spiritual requirements of one’s life as set by one’s nature. Contrary to the mores of our society, Objectivism holds that pronouncing moral judgment is crucial to man’s life. It recognizes and upholds the secular (this-worldly) source and nature of moral principles and the secular moral foundations of a fully free, fully civilized society. Objectivists are not conservatives, but, as Rand put it, “radicals for capitalism” (i.e., advocates of its root or foundation). The consequence and accompaniment of such a life is happiness, the “state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.”. Just as the sun does not revolve around the earth (regardless of what one believes), so too a person cannot achieve happiness by sacrificing other people (regardless of what he claims). Objectivism refers to a class of cognitivist or behaviorist learning theory that view knowledge as some entity existing independent of the mind of individuals. Man has free will, and this fact is what gives rise to his need of morality: a code of values to guide his choices and actions. Moreover, neither I nor anyone else—other than Rand—can speak for Objectivism; the philosophy is precisely the body of philosophical principles set forth in her works. Nature is not evidence for the existence of “super-nature.” There is no evidence for the existence of a “supernatural” being; there are only books, traditions, and people that say he exists. You've heard the expression "mind over matter" before. In a word, Objectivism holds that being moral consists in being rationally selfish or egoistic. Let us turn now to art, which, according to Objectivism, like ethics and politics, rests on a rational, objective foundation and serves a specific life-promoting purpose. Faith is faith (i.e., the acceptance of ideas in the absence of evidence); it leads to baseless beliefs; it cannot provide knowledge. Because man grasps reality only by means of reason, the creation of art requires the intense use of this faculty; it requires thought, concentration, mental connections, and the transformation of highly abstract concepts and values into the material of perceptual reality. There is a great deal to Objectivism, much more than can be addressed in a book, let alone an essay. Morally, Objectivism advocates the virtues of rational self-interest—virtues such as independent thinking, productiveness, justice, honesty, and self-responsibility. Objectivism is a philosophy developed by the writer Ayn Rand (1905-1982), first in her novels The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957), and later in non-fiction books, most notably The Virtue of Selfishness. A person might think that the sun revolves around the earth (as some people do); that does not make it so. If accepted and practiced consistently, it leads to death. It is the only system that respects and protects individual rights as a matter of unwavering principle. The government is also required to summarily dispose of foreign aggressors who initiate or threaten to initiate force against its citizens or their interests. THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION—The definitive statement of Ayn Rand’s philosophy as interpreted by her best student and chosen heir. If accepted and practiced consistently, it leads to a life of happiness. Rand regarded Objectivism as an integrated philosophical system. ethical objectivism is a view about the status of moral claims it does not … Thus, if man’s life is the standard of moral value, capitalism is the only moral social system. Happiness is the state of mind that follows from the successful pursuit of rational, life-serving values. Its principal doctrines consist of versions of metaphysical realism (the existence and nature of things in the world are independent of their being perceived or thought about), epistemological (or direct) realism (things in the world are perceived immediately or directly rather than inferred on the basis of perceptual evidence), ethical egoism (an action is morally right if it promotes the self-interest of the agent), individualism (a political system is just if it properly respects the rights and interests of the individual), and laissez-faire capitalism. Rand defined a virtue as “the act [or pattern of acting] by which one gains and/or keeps” a value. “Objectivists view meaning as existing externally, that is, independent of the individual learner. More example sentences. Given the many values on which human life and happiness depend—from material values, such as food, shelter, clothing, medical care, automobiles, and computers, to spiritual values, such as knowledge, self-esteem, art, friendship, romantic love, and liberty—people need a great deal of guidance in making choices and taking actions. 2. a. Brian Duignan is a senior editor at Encyclopædia Britannica. He is currently working on his fourth book, “Thinking in Principles.”. Objectivists are not “liberals,” but absolutists for freedom. Objectivism is defined as “an ethical theory that moral good is objectively (based on facts rather than feelings or opinions) real or that moral precepts are objectively valid.” (Webster). The proper role of government, according to Rand, is to protect the individual’s inviolable rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Rand summed up her philosophy with the following principles; If people want to live and be happy, they must neither sacrifice themselves nor sacrifice others; rather, they must pursue life-serving values and respect the rights of others to do the same. This is what most altruists do. Objectivism also rejects the idea that predation—the sacrificing of others for one’s own alleged benefit—can promote one’s life and happiness. And because human beings are individuals, each with his own body, his own mind, his own life, this standard pertains to human beings as individuals (not as cogs in a utilitarian collective). Any errors in the presentation are mine. People are fully free to act on their own judgment and thus to produce, keep, use, and dispose of their own property as they see fit; the only thing they are not “free” to do is to violate the rights of others. Similarly, a soldier who fights for freedom on the grounds that life without liberty is not worth living (“Give me liberty, or give me death!”) is being moral; one who fights in obedience to an alleged “supernatural” being’s commands is not. (This is not to say that everyone who calls himself a libertarian is anti-intellectual; rather, it is to say that any attempt to defend liberty while ignoring or denying its intellectual foundations is anti-intellectual.). Ultimately, however, in a rational society, the evasions and assertions of predators are of little concern to good people. Reality is, and in the quest to live we must discover reality’s nature and learn to act successfully in it. The main ideas of objectivism are: 1. For Objectivism, justice is a virtue. Objectivism equally opposes the politics of so-called liberalism—such as the notion that people have a “right” to be given goods or services (which obviously requires that someone be forced to provide them); the notion that government agencies, private businesses, and schools should be required to implement racist policies, such as “affirmative action” and “diversity training”; the notion that students in government-run schools should be indoctrinated with the relativism known as “multiculturalism” or the religion known as “environmentalism”; the notion that people should be forced to fund ideas or art of which they disapprove (e.g., via “public” radio or “public” grants); and the notion that America has no right to “interfere with” or “impose Western values on” (let alone destroy) regimes that are responsible for the slaughter of Americans. In the realm of politics, Objectivism recognizes that in order to take life-promoting action, a person must be free to do so; he must be free to act on the judgment of his mind, his basic means of living. That predators choose to ignore or deny this fact does not exempt them from it. …systematic philosophy, which she called objectivism, as “in essence…the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.”…, …Rand’s personal philosophy, known as objectivism, in fictional form.…, Atlas Shrugged, novel by Ayn Rand, published in 1957. Objectivism is a philosophical movement; since politics is a branch of philosophy, Objectivism advocates certain political principles — specifically, those of laissez-faire capitalism — as the consequence and the ultimate practical application of its fundamental philosophical principles. Neither paint randomly splattered on a canvas, nor a bicycle wheel “cleverly” fastened to a stool, nor a word salad neatly printed on a page is art. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. If accepted and practiced inconsistently, it retards one’s life and leads to guilt. Why sacrifice at all? What reason is there to do so? If he gives up a value for no gain whatsoever, he is being moral; if he gains something from an action, he is not being moral. Whether a sculpture of a ballerina depicting the skill and grace possible to man—or a novel about great industrialists showing the productive achievement possible to man—or a landscape of a countryside portraying the world as open to man’s investigation and enjoyment—or a painting of a dismal, psychedelic pool hall portraying the world as unstable and inhospitable to man—art brings highly abstract convictions to the perceptual level. Man gains knowledge by perceiving reality with his five senses, forming concepts and principles on the basis of what he perceives, checking his ideas for consistency with reality, and correcting any contradictions he discovers in his thinking. All else being equal (style, composition, technique, etc. “Rational selfishness” is the pursuit of one’s own life as a rational being, or (equivalently) the pursuit of one’s own happiness. Like every legitimate value, a work of art—whether a painting, sculpture, novel, movie, or symphony—is a value precisely to the extent that it serves some requirement of a rational being’s life. So understood, selfishness is a fundamental virtue. Philosophy One of several doctrines holding that all reality is objective and external to the mind and that knowledge is reliably based on observed objects and events. Thus, Objectivism rejects all forms of mysticism—the idea that knowledge can be acquired by non-sensory, nonrational means (such as faith, intuition, ESP, or any other form of “just knowing”). The standard of value according to a predator is his whim. If they want to receive goods or services from others, they may offer to exchange value for value to mutual benefit; however, they may not seek to gain any value from others by means of physical force. This is the view that logic is independent of the mind and that the laws of logic are real, fully existing rules corresponding to the universe itself, in much the same way as the laws of physics or chemistry. It all comes down to standards. Objectivism holds that the purpose of morality is to provide people with principled guidance for living and achieving happiness on earth. a. the meta-ethical doctrine that there are certain moral truths that are independent of the attitudes of … Navigate parenthood with the help of the Raising Curious Learners podcast. In ethics, Rand held a vaguely Aristotelian theory of virtue based on a teleological conception of living organisms, including humans. Craig is cofounder and editor of The Objective Standard, cofounder and director of education at Objective Standard Institute, and executive director of Prometheus Foundation. Because the guiding social principle in such a society is that of trade—and because there is no “public” funding of the arts—artists who produce works that rational people value tend to thrive; those who produce works that rational people do not value tend to find other professions. An altruist might not die from his morality—so long as he cheats on it—but neither will he live fully. Objectivism, philosophical system identified with the thought of the 20th-century Russian-born American writer Ayn Rand and popularized mainly through her commercially successful novels The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957). A person does not have to use reason; the choice is his to make. Evidence-free assertions, appeals to tradition, and appeals to authority are not rational arguments; they are textbook logical fallacies. There is a world independent of our minds to which our thinking must correspond if our ideas are to be true and therefore of practical use in living our lives, pursuing our values, and protecting our rights. A volunteer social worker who gives away his time and effort for nothing at all is thereby being immoral. Objectivism holds that art is a requirement of human life and happiness. If people want to know what is true or good or right, they must observe reality and use logic. In other words, one’s ideas are supposedly either extremely “liberal” or extremely “conservative” or somewhere in between. Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist’s deepest, most fundamental convictions—such as his views of the nature of the universe, the nature of man, what is knowable, what matters most, what is possible. If people want to live and be happy, only one of these moralities will do. Why not live a life of happiness? Some cultures maintain that the earth is flat, that slavery is good, and that women are mentally inferior to men. Reality just is. If you want to support an educational organization that advances Ayn Rand’s philosophy, you have a powerful new alternative: Objective Standard Institute (OSI)—which is related to but distinct from TOS. 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